Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Professionalism in Environmental Public Health
Professionalism in Environmental Public Health Abstract This paper is aimed at discussing various competencies of environmental health workers. These people have to act as researchers, educators, leaders, and policy-makers. Thus, they need to possess expertise in such areas public health sciences, research, and policy-making in order to find practical application to their skills.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Professionalism in Environmental Public Health specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Furthermore, they should well-developed leadership and communicative skills in order to cope with their most important duties. These competencies are vital for protecting the health of community members. These are the main aspects that should be taken into account by these professionals. Discussion Environmental public health can be related to various fields of human activity; for instance, one can speak about agriculture, the use of water, prevention of disease, manufacturing, construction, and so forth (Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors, 2009, p. 78). Furthermore, one can argue that people, working in this field, can have in-depth expertise in various areas of science such medicine, biology, chemistry, or physics. Nevertheless, one can say that there are certain competencies that these professionals should possess several importance competencies in order to cope with their tasks effectively. In particular, close attention should be paid to the following aspects: 1) profound knowledge of public health sciences; 2) ability to transform research findings into policies and programs; 3) excellent analytical and research skills; 4) leadership, and 5) well-developed communication skills that are needed for the interaction with various representatives of the general public. These standards can be explained by the fact that environmental health workers should play various roles. In particular, they should act as researchers, educators, and even regu lators. On the whole, these competencies are critical for ensuring the wellbeing of the public. When discussing the work of public health inspectors, researchers point out that a certain health problem can be attributed to various factors that can often interplay with one another. For instance, one can mention that people, who have asthma, can be strongly influence by such aspects as water and air quality, weather, stress, and so forth (Portier, 2011, p. 4).Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, one can say that environmental health professional should understand different ways in which environment can affect individuals and groups. This is why researchers believe that environmental health professionals should take an interdisciplinary approach to various problems (Gochfeld Goldstein, 1999, p. 36). This requirement is important at the time such aspects as scienc e, technology, and medicine become increasingly interconnected (Gochfeld Goldstein, 1999, p. 36). This is why these people should be knowledgeable in such areas epidemiology, demography, statistics, or ways of preventing various diseases many of which are chronic. This is the first standard that should be met by these people. Furthermore, it is important to remember that environmental health professional should be able to evaluate various risks to the wellbeing of the public (Gerding Price, 2012, p. 31). For example, these people should be able to assess the efficiency of current programs that are supposed to reduce air and water pollution. Additionally, they should determine whether current policies or regulations are properly reinforced by the state (Gerding Price, 2012, p. 31). Thus, one has to speak about the competency in gathering and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data on the basis of which one can reach certain conclusions (Kyle et al. 2006). Without this ski ll, these professional can hardly bring any improvements into the life of a community. In some cases, environmental health workers have to see the relations between various phenomena. For example, they can look at health records while conducting air pollution research (Thurston et al, 2009, p. 45). In this way, they can determine the causes of various diseases or assess the effectiveness of environment protection programs. This is why research and analysis skills are important for these professionals. Another aspect that should not be overlooked is the ability of environmental health workers to develop policies and programs that can better protect the wellbeing of humans, animals, and nature in general. There are many cases showing that they often cooperate with legislators and regulators (Blake, Corso Bender, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Professionalism in Environmental Public Health specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For instance, one can mention that environmental agencies objected to the drilling in Marcellus Shale since this practice can pose a threat to the health of local population (Goldstein, Kriesky Pavliakova, 2012, p. 483). Furthermore, these people should form alliances with groups that also promote the reduction of environmental risks. Additionally, he/she should be able to identify the steps that should be taken in order to address environmental risks (Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors, 2009, p. 83). Thus, one can argue that environmental health workers should understand the goals and interests of different stakeholders, for instance, the residents of the community, governmental organizations, manufacturing companies, environment protection agencies, and other stakeholders. Moreover, they need to understand how economic, social and legal institutions can ensure public health (Jackson Malloy, 2011, p. 35). Therefore, they should develop programs and polici es on the basis of their findings and analysis. In turn, if they cannot do it, their work will not find practical application which is probable the most important criterion for every professional. So, the cooperation between environmental health workers and regulators is a critical component. It is also important to remember that environmental health professionals often have to act as educators. For instance, they can raise peopleââ¬â¢s awareness about the existing risks to the wellbeing of individuals (Sarisky, 2009, p. 20). These people have to interact with policy-makers, medical workers, legislators, and other people who may want to know more about the environmental problems. One of the most challenging tasks is the interaction with children. They need to know about the presence various pollutants in food, water, air, and so forth (Sattler, 2008, p. 329; Coopwood, 2009). Thus, one should say that environmental health workers should have well-developed communication skills. Wi thout them, they will not be able to make convincing arguments. These are some of the main aspects that can be identified. It should also be taken into account that these professionals cannot cope with their duties without being able to act as leaders. This issue is particularly important at those moments when it is necessary to respond to environmental disasters (Logue, 1996, p. 1207). Under such circumstance, they have to take initiatives and overcome various challenges as quickly as possible. The competencies identified in this section correspond to various roles played by environmental health workers who are responsible for identifying risks and minimizing them.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion These examples indicate that environmental health workers should possess different competencies. First of all, these individuals should have in-depth expertise in different sciences that can throw light on various aspects of public health. Furthermore, they should also act as researches, who gather information, analyze data and evaluate the effectiveness of different programs. More importantly, they need to interact with various stakeholders such as regulators, medical workers, teachers, and many other people. Furthermore, they play the role of educators by raising peopleââ¬â¢s awareness about different environmental risks. Finally, in some cases, they need to display leadership qualities in order to address different challenges. The competencies described in this paper are vital for protecting the wellbeing of individuals and communities. Reference List Blake, R., Corso, L., Bender, K. (2011). Public health department accreditation and environmental public health: a logical collaboration. Journal Of Environmental Health, 74(3), 28-30. Coopwood, T. (2008). Engaging young people in childrens environmental health protection through CARE. Journal of Environmental Health, 71(1), 64-5. Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors. (2009). Continuing Professionalà Competencies. Toronto: CIPHI. Gerding, J., Price, J. (2012). Public health performance management: opportunities for environmental public health. Journal Of Environmental Health, 74(8), 30-31. Gochfeld, M., Goldstein, B. D. (1999). Lessons in environmental health in the twentieth century. Annual Review of Public Health, 20, 35-53. Goldstein, B., Kriesky, J., Pavliakova, B. (2012). Missing from the Table: Role of the Environmental Public Health Community in Governmental Advisory Commissions Related to Marcellus Shale Drilling. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(4), 483-486. Jackson, R., Malloy, T. (2011). Environmental Public Health Law: Three Pillars.à Journal of Law, Medicine Ethics, 34-36. Kyle, A., Balmes, J., Buffler, P., Lee, P. R. (2006). Integrating Research, Surveillance, and Practice in Environmental Public Health Tracking. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114(7), 980-984. Logue, J. N. (1996). Disasters, the environment, and public health: Improving our response. American Journal of Public Health, 86(9), 1207-10. Portier, C. (2011). Comprehensive environmental public health. Public Healthà Reports, 126(9), 1-6. Sarisky, J. (2009). The Environmental Public Health Performance Standards: strengthening the nations environmental public health infrastructure and improving environmental health practice. Journal Of Environmental Health, 71(10), 20-21. Sattler, B., Davis, A. D. B. (2008). Nurses role in childrens environmental health protection. Pediatric Nursing, 34(4), 329-39. Thurston, G. D., Bekkedal, M. Y. V., Roberts, E. M., Ito, K., Arden Pope (2009). Use of health information in air pollution health research: Past successes and emerging nee ds. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 19(1), 45-58.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Congrats on your Graduation! Now Read This
Congrats on your Graduation! Now Read This Thereââ¬â¢s a peculiar sinking feeling that often follows the exultant glee of donning a cap and gown, seeing your diploma for the first time, and updating your resume to include your new graduate status. Ronda Lee, a blogger and first generation college and law school graduate, has several tips and suggestions to help you take the steps that come next! Wisely, she observes that ââ¬Å"You never know who will be the person who will lead you to your next job, client, or big idea. . .Many times jobs are filled before the posting because the hiring person sent an email to friends and contacts asking for names of potential candidates.â⬠Even more important, she frames networking as a mutually beneficial relationship, rather than a series of awkward one-sided coffee meetings. Be generous with your contacts, pass along opportunities that arenââ¬â¢t right for you, and trust that itââ¬â¢ll come back to you with long term benefits.à When saying goodbye your classmates and prof essors, itââ¬â¢s crucial to be gracious and lay the groundwork for future relationships. Your mentors may be the ones writing your first recommendations; your classmates may be the gatekeepers who interview you before the hiring manager does. Write thank you notes. Return emails. Donââ¬â¢t burn bridges!Once youââ¬â¢ve landed that first job out of college, a team playerââ¬â¢s attitude is crucial. Manage your time and be self-sufficientââ¬âbut donââ¬â¢t be so caught up that you forget to ask questions when youââ¬â¢re confused. Communicate clearly and courteously with everyoneà you come acrossââ¬âthereââ¬â¢s no substitute for a good track record as a conscientious and responsible coworker! Be flexible and willing to adapt, especially in the beginning of a new position where your responsibilities may be in flux. If you become known as someone whoââ¬â¢s ready, willing, and able to take on new tasks and complete them successfully, youââ¬â¢ll have stand ing with your employer when itââ¬â¢s time to advocate for yourself, your skills, and future opportunities.Millennials have a reputation as being cocky or unwilling to pay their duesââ¬âhaving a self-driven, entrepreneurial spirit is a terrific thing, but make sure youââ¬â¢re willing to learn the ropes before you start breaking new ground. Find mentors who will call it like they see itââ¬âeven when itââ¬â¢s hard to hearââ¬âand take advantage of your alma materââ¬â¢s career center resources if you need support at any page of job-seeking or early employment.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
American Education Continues to Discriminate against Minority Groups Essay
American Education Continues to Discriminate against Minority Groups - Essay Example à The slave masters did not want that since it would have led to the abolishment of slavery, which was a source of cheap labor. The American education system still discriminates against the minority groups in different ways than it used to in the past. This is the main reason why there are still very few minority group members working in the civil service as compared to their population numbers. The chances that the members of the minority groups have in realizing their dreams are strained since they have to overcome many obstacles most of which their majority peers do not have to deal with. These obstacles are usually related to discrimination because of being a member of a minority group (Douglass 2). This then increases the chances for the minority members to drop out of school and become poor. According to statistical data, African Americans have twice the chance of becoming poor as compared to the white majority. The education system also pushes them towards the justice system through continued discrimination. This leads to the statistical confirmation that members of the minority groups are eight times more likely to be convicted as compared to their white counterparts on serious crimes that mostly involve drugs. With respect to education level, statistical data indicates that an approximated 75% of blacks have managed to acquire post-high school education while 85% of whites have managed the same (Deutsch 14). This indicates that the chances given to both groups are different, as fewer opportunities are given to minorities in economic, political, and social positions. This can be backed up through the idea that the number of minorities in these positions is not proportional to their population. The chances of being admitted to universities are also very slim for minority groups.à Ã
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Human Resource Function Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Human Resource Function - Case Study Example Cadbury Schweppes has as its main objective the delivery of superior shareholder value. To achieve this objective, the company stresses the need for all employees to understand the different goals of the company so that they can tailor their efforts towards achieving these goals which will in turn lead the company toward its overall objective of delivering superior shareholder performance. This paper aims at looking at critically evaluating the nature and presence of the human resource strategy that appears to be in operation at Cadbury Schweppes in the light of the wider business strategy. The paper also presents a discussion of how the Human Resource Function can position itself toward delivering the people strategy based on evidence gathered from the case study as well as the understanding of the development of Human resource functions. Having said this, the paper will begin by critically evaluating the nature and presence of the human resource strategy in section 1.1 below and later a discussion how the Human resource function can position itself will be presented in section 1.2. The human resource strategy that appears to be in operation at Cadbury Schweppes seems to be in conflict with the company's business strategy. ... Its number one goal for 2004-07 is not excellence, innovation or developing its people. It is simply to deliver superior shareholder performance". The latter quotation clearly shows that Cadbury Schweppes does not care about developing its people, all it cares about is delivering superior shareholder value. According to Lengnick-Hall and Lengnick-Hall (1988: p. 451) citing Porter (1985) and Huselid (1995: p. 636) citing Begin (1991); Butler, Feris, & Napier (1991); Cappelli & Singh (1992); Jackson and Schuler (1995); Porter (1985); Schuler (1992); Wright and McMahan (1992), human resource management can help a firm obtain sustained competitive advantage by lowering costs, increasing sources of products and service differentiation, or by both. Lengnick-Hall and Lengnick-Hall (1988: p. 451) define competitive advantage as "those capabilities, resources, relationships, and decisions that permit a firm to capitalise on opportunities and avoid threats within its industry". Lengnick-Hall and Lengnick-Hall (1988: p. 451) further states that in order for a firm to achieve competitive advantage through human resources, the activities must be managed from a strategic perspective. Cadbury Schweppes seems to have missed out in this domain. It has focused most of its attention on delivering sharehol der value but fails to understand that it is only after integrating strategic human resource management into its business strategy that superior shareholder value may be delivered. Another interesting point is that even if Cadbury Schweppes has got some competitive advantage as demonstrated through its current levels of profitability, this competitive advantage may not be sustainable if it does not properly
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The purpose of this experiment Essay Example for Free
The purpose of this experiment Essay The purpose of this experiment is to measure the pulse flow of blood through the finger and correlate it with ECG. In addition, we examined the effects of hot and cold temperature on peripheral circulation. It was hypothesized that the temperature and exercise would increase the cardiac cycle and pulse pressure. Three participants were doing the experiment. A 19 year old female, who weighs 110 pound, drinks coffee often times and nonsmoker, did the exercise. A 20 year old female, weighs 135 pounds, non coffee drinker and nonsmoker did the cold temperature. Also a 20 year old female, weighing 106 pounds, non smoker and non coffee drinker did the hot temperature. Electrodes were placed on left ankle, right hand and left hand. Besides that, pulse transducer was attached in finger. Baseline was established, 3 cardiac cycles and 3 pulse pressures were measured at rest. We did this in the same way for each individual. In addition, we did 3 cardiac cycles and 3 pulse pressure after exercise and temperature experiment. The effect of cold temperature did make variation in heart rate and pulse. Figure 1 shows that heart rate decreased when participant placed her hand in cold water. In the same way, figure 2 shows decrease in heart rate when the participant placed her hand in hot water. Figure 3 shows that exercise increased the heart rate of the participant. The results we observed for the cold temperature experiment was decrease in temperature. In other words, we observed a gradual decrease in heart rate after the participant put her hands in cold water. In addition, we noticed an increase in pulse rate after the experiment. Also, we noticed decrease in heart rate and increase in pulse rate for hot temperature experiment. But when I did research I found that the heart rate should increase in cold temperature and should decrease in pulse rate. Also for the hot temperature the heart rate must increase and pulse rate should decrease. So I can not interpret the result. However, for the exercise we noticed increase in heart rate and pulse rate. Resting and exercise heart rate are controlled by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system prepares the body for physical activity by increasing heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. Once exercise begins, the sympathetic nervous system is activated and the heart rate rises quickly. The parasympathetic division helps slow down heart rate and respiration. At rest, the heart is controlled by the parasympathetic division, which is why the average resting heart rate is 72 bpm or less. During exercise, the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine stimulate receptors in the heart which causes heart rate to increase. J. Grayson, Reactions of the peripheral circulation to external heat, J Physiology vloume 1, pg 53-63. www. pubmed. com Sandercock, et al. Effect of exercise on heart rate variability, 03/28/2005, www. medscape. com M Buchheit, J J Peiffer, C R Abbiss, P B Laursen. Effect of cold water immersion on postexercise parasympathetic reactivation. American Journal of Physiology : Heart and circulatory physiology 296. 2 (2009): H421. Sciences Module. ProQuest. University Park, PA. 23 Feb. 2009 http://www. proquest. com
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Distinguishing Panavision And Bensusan :: Legal Essays
Distinguishing Panavision And Bensusan The law regarding jurisdiction determination was far from crystal clear even before the internet came of age, and courts are now having a difficult time reconciling the "purposeful availment" and related "effects" tests used in traditional jurisdiction analyses with the new paradigms in information transfer made possible by the internet, and in particular by the World Wide Web (WWW). These difficulties are apparent in Panavision, Int'l. L.P. v. Toeppen, 938 F. Supp 616 (C.D. Cal. 1996), and Bensusan Restaurant Corp. v. King, 937 F. Supp. 295 (S.D.N.Y. 1996). Both cases involved trademark infringement and dilution suits stemming from the alleged use of the trademark on the WWW. Each court came down differently on the jurisdiction issue, and rightly so, but neither court's analysis was very satisfying when one attempts to distinguish the two cases. In Toeppen, the defendant had formed a plan to find prominent registered trademarks which had not yet been registered as internet addresses, and register them as his own, with the expectation that he could sell them at a substantial profit to the owner of each mark should that owner desire to do business on the internet using that internet address. The court used a three-part test for specific jurisdiction, the first part of which was the "purposeful availment" test, which in turn became an "effects test" when the claim is in the nature of a tort. After deciding that the claim was tort-like, the court used the "effects test" and found that Toeppen's acts were 1) intentional, 2) aimed at California, and 3) caused foreseeable harm to the plaintiff. This was at the heart of the court's reasoning in exercising jurisdiction. The facts in Bensusan start out very much like Toeppen, but diverge at a point, resulting in a decision to decline to exercise jurisdiction. In Bensusan, which proceeded Toeppen by ten days, the defendant, a Missouri jazz club, had set up a web page the contents of which contained an allegedly infringing use of the plaintiff's trademark, "The Blue Note". The plaintiff, owner of the mark for a New York jazz club, wanted the New York district court to interpret state law so that it could exercise jurisdiction over the Missouri club. It refused to do so because, under a similar "effects test" to that used in Toeppen (the court here also found the claim to be in the nature of a tort), there was no foreseeable harm to the plaintiff.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Munroe Prayer book
IntroductionPrayer is an essential part of a Christianââ¬â¢s life. Too often, however, Christians are either unaware of what they should be doing or they do not have a good grasp of what prayer truly means for their lives as Christians in this world. Prayer is also essential in communicating and relating with Christian brothers and sisters. The phrase ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ll pray for youâ⬠is used very often but is rarely done. If only Christians would understand the purpose and the power of prayer, they would do what they say more often.The exploration of the purpose and power of prayer motivated Dr. Munroe to write about the topic and help Christians understand why they need to pray and be in touch with God.The Purpose and Priority of PrayerThe Lord Jesus Christ came to save humankind and enable the Church to become his partners in establishing His kingdom on earth. When He came to the earth, he healed the sick, He made the blind see, made the cripple walk and even raised the de ad. Today, more than ever, He works through the Church to show the world His love and His compassion. Christians therefore are part of His plan in bringing about the changes that he promised.Dr. Munroe said that the act of prayer is an affirmation that Christians do believe, affirm and participate in the unfolding plan of God. Prayer is a way for them to connect with God and help intercede and pray for the expansion of Godââ¬â¢s kingdom on earth. Furthermore, as Christians, the Lord Jesus Christ has given us authority and prayer is an expression of this authority. In fact, he said that ââ¬Å"prayer is earthly license for heavenly interference.â⬠As the partners and friends of God, we, like Abraham and other persons of God before us, could communicate, ask favors, and intercede in behalf of those we love before God. With prayer, we can become intercessors and mediators before God since this is part of the authority that Christ has given us by virtue of the sacrifice He made o n the cross and based on the authority He has bestowed upon us under the new covenant of grace.Preparing for PrayerFor many people, prayer seems to be the last resort in dealing with difficult situations in life. Even Christians sometimes only approach God when they need money or they need help out of difficult situations. In this case, sometimes prayer becomes a one-way street that a Christian enters into because of his needs. This is the correct way of treating prayer. Instead, Dr. Munroe admonishes Christians to use prayer to enter Godââ¬â¢s presence. Sure, God longs to bestow His blessings on His children, but more than that, He also desires a close relationship with them.For Christians who feel like their prayers only bounce on the ceiling, Dr. Munroe provides several principles in preparing oneself to enter the presence of God. He encourages believers to cultivate the kind of faith that is expectant for God to answer. However, he cautions against simply praying without doin g anything. He draws upon several biblical verses and principles that show that action should be in partnership with faith and prayer. He offers ten steps to preparedness in prayer. Although such steps might seem formulaic, it helps new believers to prepare themselves.As they mature in the faith, however, they can improvise and to state it proverbially, they can take the plunge and dive into the life of prayer. Dr. Munroe also encourages Christians to practice the ââ¬Å"God kind of faithâ⬠. This faith is active and not passive. The persons who exhibit this kind of faith actively seeks ways in which they can participate in Godââ¬â¢s will.Principles of PrayerIn Part III of Dr. Munroeââ¬â¢s book, he expounded on different principles related to prayer that can be gleaned from the Bible. He explained the significance of Jesusââ¬â¢ model of prayer. Although Jesus enjoyed the company of His disciples and the accolades of the public that He preached to, he nonetheless cultiva ted an attitude of prayer that sought to establish His connection with God the Father. This expression of His relationship was foremost among His priorities.The Lordââ¬â¢s prayer also received significant attention from Dr. Munroeââ¬â¢s books and he explained its significance for Christians today. Instead of perpetually asking God for favors like a genie in a bottle, Christians need to understand that prayer is essentially an expression of the relationship that they have with God.Dr. Munroe also offered twelve action steps to prayer, which is meant to help believers actively participate in seeking Godââ¬â¢s answer to prayers. Although such steps may seem to be a simple list, they can help believers focus themselves on the task of praying and seeking Godââ¬â¢s will.à In addition to this, Dr. Munroe also listed down several hurdles to answered prayers as well as the hindrances. These hurdles may be in regards to the level of faith of the Christian praying or because of w rong motives. In order to deal with these hurdles and hindrances, the Christian should put himself right with God and examine his intentions and his desires in seeking for the prayer items.The Power of PrayerBecause of the authority that God has given to Christ and to the authority that Christ has given to His followers, we have do have power through prayer. The power of the word and of the name of Jesus in prayer was expounded by Dr. Munroe. Naming things that believers desire in accordance to Godââ¬â¢s word is an important part of prayer. And yet, even if some desires are not uttered, the Holy Spirit enables believers to pray with ââ¬Å"groans that words could not express.â⬠Yet, through the name of Jesus, believers do have access to the throne of grace. Fasting is also another way for believers to empower their prayer lives. Through fasting, believers can focus their energies and discipline their bodies. It is a way to empower oneââ¬â¢s prayer and help discern what God wills for oneââ¬â¢s life and for the world.ConclusionPrayer seems to an underrated part of Christiansââ¬â¢ lives. In this regard, Dr. Munroe provides a good handbook on prayer. The issues relating to the prayer lives of Christians, the principles behind it, as well as the different hurdles and hindrances were explored in the book. This way, Christians would understand better the purpose and the power of prayer and they will be able to claim these for themselves.As the world proceeds with its breakneck speed and the increasing demands of work and other pressures on the lives of Christians and pre-Christians alike, Dr. Munroeââ¬â¢s book can help Christians change their perspective on prayer and start practicing it so that they, too, can participate in Godââ¬â¢s plan for this world.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Issues Identified Essay
1) The first issue of the case is whether Harry Hepburn, the president of Southern California Division of Robinson Brothers Homes should make the projection on the specific project more optimistic or not. By making the revenue forecasts more optimistic, the most likely outcome is that the project will be undertaken and his team of employees will keep their position. Otherwise, at the current estimated return projections, the project is expected to be declined, and Harryââ¬â¢s team will be partially laid off in accordance with the Robinson Brothers Homes plan on cutting costs as the company faces the slowing down market and decreased profitability. 2) The second issue of the case is to evaluate what can be done to either decrease the required IRR benchmark related to this project or to increase the expected IRR of the project. Due to decreasing margins on their recent construction projects RBH needs a project to bring their revenues and profits up for the upcoming years. RBHââ¬â¢s Southern California division (one of 15) and its VP Michael Borland have come up with a prospective project ââ¬Å"The Platinum Pointe Land Dealâ⬠which has potentials to increase profits and revenues. The issue with it remains is that the project has a IRR of 21 and for a project like this Michael Borland and his division has calculated a required IRR of 24.5. Issue Prioritization: Both issue seem to be equally important, however it seems that IRR issue should be attempted to be resolved first: if the required IRR can be lowered without making the forecast too optimistic, Harry will not need to solve this difficult ethical dilemma at this moment. Alternative Generation: * Increase IRR * Decrease required IRR (risk) * Donââ¬â¢tââ¬â¢ change Ethical Problem: 1. Harry submits the forecast as planned. Consequences: project will be rejected and the division will be downsized 2. Harry makes the forecast more optimistic. Consequences: Project gets funded and employee layoff could be averted. RBH would lose credibility with joint venture partner if the project earns lessà than the forecast. And some problems in ethical position. Evaluation of Alternatives: Way to increase IRR/decrease required IRR: [As Harry directly supervises the executives and the issue is about financial returns, the results control is the most appropriate for this issue.] 1) Let VPs know about the problem and the fact that this project is critical for the continuity of the division as is. VPs are: Operations, Sales and Marketing, Land Development, Land Acquisition, and Accounting. This understanding will help to establish the link between performance and compensation. 2) Together, they should come up with ideas and set specific goals for increasing IRR and/or lowering risk of the project in their functional areas. The targets set for VPs should be aligned with their functional areas/responsibilities as much as possible. If some targets involve more than one area, they should know specifically with whom should they cooperate to achieve success on that mutual goal. The idea behind it is that VPs should know specifically how can they influence the projectââ¬â¢s IRR and risk, so they would feel responsibili ty and ability to influence and achieve their own specific targets. Second, the goals have to be as specific as possible, so that VPs would know how much more effort should they put to succeed. Specific possible solutions: * By not making the purchase (investment) until all political issues are resolved (June 2007 is the expected date), the political risk can be decreased to minimum saving 1.5% in required IRR. * With the appropriate goals and strict incentives are set for VPs as discussed above, the risks in development, market, and financial areas may be reduced by further cumulative 1.5%. Measures to be taken may include: hedging the interest rate risk with derivatives (financial), making early sales (market), securitization of debt (financial), overseeing the construction process thoroughly to ensure its timeliness (development), etc. It is important that other projects of this division, which are currently under way, would not be neglected or paid less attention to. They are also crucial for the divisionââ¬â¢s success (637 homes in 2006 and $235 in revenue). Harry should oversee their work in order to ensure that no risk manipulation andà unjustified assumptions/forecasts take place. Ethical issue [There are really no alternatives for this issue ââ¬â there is only a question: ââ¬Å"Should Harry stretch the forecast a bit or should not?â⬠] * Harryââ¬â¢s action of making the forecast a bit too optimistic will not be left unnoticed by VPs. As a result, they may begin making dishonest acts on their own in the future acting on the example set by the president. (The cultural control may get broken.) * The management owns the fiduciary duty to its shareholders, as it is trusted with assets to manage. Shareholders interests should be put ahead of their own. According to the stockholder ethical model, the maximization of shareholdersââ¬â¢ profit/wealth is of utmost importance. * Southern California Division of RBH represents a large portion of companyââ¬â¢s business: in 2006 it is projected to sell 637 homes, while 2000 were built by RBH in total. Thus, the failure in this division may cause the financial difficulties on the company-wide level affecting other employees as well. According to the stakeholder ethical model, the acceptance of the project of higher risk would also be unethical. * If they accept, then in case of the unfavourable scenario, the company is likely to sell this project at a larger loss, as other development companies are likely to employ the similar IRR model for determining projectsââ¬â¢ NPVs. Possible conclusion: in this case, under both stockholder and stakeholder ethical models, the project with the higher risk than required should not be accepted. Recommendation Decrease IRR. Implementation Issues Move discussion of incentives part from alternatives evaluation to here. * additional discussion on ethics (evaluation of alternatives) * additional discussion on IRR ((evaluation of alternatives) * implementation details Kurt: 1. Introduction: RBH is a medium-sized homebuilder. The company built single- family and higher-density homes, such as townhouses and condominiums. Its headquarters staff located in Denver, Colorado, and 15 divisions located in most of the metropolitan areas. 2. Problem Statement and Analysis: The market of the Southern California Division served had slowed, the division has to make price concessions in order to sell its homes. However, the construction costs were continuing to rise. Action controls: reduce cost , budgets , review and approval Harry wants to do the project (Platinum Pointe) which promises to provide over $100 million in revenue and nearly $ 14 million in profits in the 2008-11 time period. But the IRR of the project is only 21%, which is below the minimum required for a project with this level of risk ââ¬â 24.5% ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- The stock price had declined almost 50% from the all- time peak in 2005. POSSIBLE ADVICE Each division was self-contained, with its own construction supervision, customer care, purchasing, sales and marketing, land development, land acquisition, and accounting staffs. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- Redundancy : Assigning more people to a task than necessary The lag between acquisition of the land and sale of the final house built was three- five years. Reduce the business cycle The homes will be built in two formats: a triplex townhome and a six- plex cluster home, but the format had not been previously offered in Southern California. The residents of Southern California may not accept these kinds of formats. Harry and Michael want to lower the required IRR or to raise the projected IRR to ensure that the project would be approved. Personnel controlsï ¼Å¡have a conscience that leads them to do what is right find self-satisfaction when they do a good job and see their organization succeed Ethics and morality Annie: Background: RBH builds single-family and higher-density homes, such as townhouses and condominiums. RBH often had to make significant price concessions and construction costs were continuing to rise. The stock price had declinedà almost 50% from the all-time peak in 2005. Because the homebuilding started slowdown in early 2006, so finances were expected to be much tighter in 2007. Harry, the president resisted the idea of downsizing of the division in 2007 and wanted to keep employee team intact. RBH spends considerable effort in preparing formal land acquisition proposal, which examines the proposed building project from housing development type, construction challenges and costs, marketing prospects, and environmental concern. The Platinum Pointe deal is a large one that would bring in considerable revenue and profits in the 2008-2011 time periods. Issues: 1. Modification of risk rating procedure RBHââ¬â¢s procedure requires the identification of risk in four areas: political, development, market, and financial. The risk of each project in each of these four areas must be rated as low, moderate or high. The higher a projectââ¬â¢s IRR, the more desirable it is to undertake the project. Michael was disappointed about the Platinum Point site project because the IRR was only 21%, while the minimum required IRR for a project of this risk should be 24.5% (3.5% variance). The problem of existing risk rating procedure? How to assess the risk rating? By who? Recommendation? 2. Joint venture with other homebuilding company Advantages and disadvantages Recommendation? 3. Ethical problem- Harry contemplates preparing projects that were a little too optimistic to ensure that the project would be approved. Harry tries to disclose the degree of optimism in the forecasts or acting in a less than honest way. If Harry doing so, who will be harmed or put at risk? Waleed Issue: Due to decreasing margins on their recent construction projects RBH needs a project to bring their revenues and profits up for the upcoming years. RBHââ¬â¢s Southern California division (one of 15) and its VP Michael Borland have come up with a prospective project ââ¬Å"The Platinum Pointe Land Dealâ⬠which hasà potentials to increase profits and revenues. The issue with it remains is that the project has a IRR of 21 and for a project like this Michael Borland and his division has calculated a required IRR of 24.5. Possible ways to remedy this specific issue can be as follows: Solution: Increase IRR of ââ¬Å"The Platinum Pointe Land Dealâ⬠: 1. Since the recent environment factors are forcing of margins to decline RBH may need to adapt to this situation just to have this ââ¬Å"The Platinum Pointe Land Dealâ⬠approved. One factor identified out of the assumptions in Exhibit 3 ââ¬â Purchasing Section is to allow more profit participation for the seller Jackson Development company. Currently set up as 50% share above a net 9% profit for the project. Giving the Jackson Development company a share of 52-54% above the 9% net profit will increase the ââ¬Å"The Platinum Pointe Land Dealâ⬠overall IRR from 21% to closer to the required 24.5% (how by giving up profit will their IRR increase?) 2. Although the Southern California division is large for RBH but their overall exposure and knowledge in the area can be limited. For example, the market demand for the house structures (condoââ¬â¢s. Detached, semi-detached etc.) or even the market demand for amenities included (backyards, parks, garages, driveways etc..) is all the information that a local company native of Southern California will have better information of and RBH is disadvantaged to that. So the solution here is to consider a Merger and Acquisitions approach to hedge this information risk and to also expand the company as a whole. The project is large enough to justify such as move for RBH. This in fact will increase the 3 factor of IRR calculations the ââ¬Å"Marketâ⬠seen in Exhibit 3. As a result the ââ¬Å"The Platinum Pointe Land Dealâ⬠IRR will increase bringing it closer the required 24.5%.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Art of Publicity for the Self-Publishing Author
The Art of Publicity for the Self-Publishing Author The Art of Publicity for the Self-Publishing Author Tim Moore is a Reedsy publicist with over 20 years experience managing successful sales, marketing and publicity campaigns for major publishing companies as well as several independents. Along with Mitch Albert, he co-founded Periscope Books in 2014 and The Momentum Publishing Company in 2016.Publicity has always been the darling of book promotion. Unlike sales or marketing campaigns, book publicity helps build an authorââ¬â¢s brand by generating endorsements from media brands: in many cases, these can be in the form of reviews. These kinds of promotions are known to have a greater effect on consumer behavior than, say, an advert on the side of a bus. The problem with book publicity, of course, is how to generate it in the first place - which is why an entire industry has sprung up around this question! #Selfpub authors: What are your publicity options? Every week, over twenty-thousand books are published in the English language. Most of them, if not all, vie for attention from the same media outlets. Thatââ¬â¢s where book publicists step in. Publicists are expected to use their experience and media contacts to place books - and the story behind the book - in the right hands.Once prospective readers are exposed to your book (with positive reinforcement from a reviewer or a charming interview) copies will ideally start flying off the shelves.Advertising is what you pay for, but publicity is what you pray forIf publicity is unpredictable compared to ads, then why should authors and publishers roll the dice on publicists? Well, for one, itââ¬â¢s much better at influencing buyer decisions, which can be largely attributed to the effect of a third party endorsement. This ââ¬Å"endorsementâ⬠could be a review from their daily newspaper of choice or a simple mention from their favorite morning radio DJ. A Nielsen study on the role of content in the consumer decision-making process concluded that PR is almost 90% more effective than advertising.This is the main reason book publicists are in business: when they're good, they can really move the needle and create a buzz around your book. This momentum often starts with exposure within the book trade. Then itââ¬â¢s on to real work of building word of mouth out in the wider world. Publicity is certainly not the only marketing channel available for books - but it is certainly one of the more cost-effective ones, especially when used in conjunction with social media. "In publishing, advertising is what you pay for - but publicity is what you pray for" Do it yourselfBook publicity, which is all about persuading people to give your book attention, is more of an art than a science. This means that anybody can give it a go - and perhaps get positive results. For example, local radio stations are always interested in hearing from local authors. You can get work on your own social media strategy and start contacting influential YouTubers, Instagrammers, and Twitter users. Sometimes, offering free books and merchandise to use in contests is enough to get them on board.Here's an example of a (high-profile) YouTube paid promotion: Just remember: media people of all levels will want to see your press release, so make sure you have one prepared!Before you swear off professional publicists, be aware that once youââ¬â¢re targeting media outlets of a certain size, most producers, editors, and other gatekeepers will not respond directly to authors. Just as most major publishing houses will insist on dealing with agents, getting access national media will likely require an experienced publicist with pre-existing contacts. Thatââ¬â¢s a big chunk of what youââ¬â¢re paying for with publicity! How can #selfpub authors become DIY publicists? That brings us onto our next question: once youââ¬â¢ve made the decision to seek out a publicist, how much should you expect to pay?Setting a publicity budgetWhen you self-publish, you wonââ¬â¢t soon forget that you are likely paying for publicity out of your own pocket - so you need to make sure what you spend makes sense for your project.Hereââ¬â¢s a general rule of thumb for book marketing budgets that I find works across most types of books: aim to spend $0.75 to $1 per book sale forecasted. So, if the book has sold 5,000 copies into bookstores, then a publicity and marketing budget of $3,750 to $5,000 is about right.But what if a book is self-published and distributed only through Kindle and KDP? Thereââ¬â¢s still a way you can forecast a title that doesnââ¬â¢t use traditional distribution channels:1) Carefully choose three comparable titles (comparable both in its subject matter and the size of its authorââ¬â¢s platform)2) Establish their overall sales ranks on Amazon by looking at the Product Details on their respective pages. How much should #selfpub authors budget for marketing? Find out here! Now that youââ¬â¢re armed with a ballpark publicity budget, letââ¬â¢s look at who you should hire for the job.The right person for the jobIdeally, you want to find a publicist who has worked on similar projects in the past - books in the same genre or covering the same type of subject matter, ideally written by authors with a similar profile as you. If youââ¬â¢re trying to a promote a popular science title, it helps if your publicist has established contacts at media outlets like Scientific American.Most publicists are versatile, but they often prefer to work within their established niches.If you're searching for book publicists for the first time through Reedsy or a similar platform, just look at their book portfolios. Have they represented similar books in the past? Do they have a long history in publicity and marketing? Whatââ¬â¢s their experience with both online and traditional media?Make a short list of professionals and get in touch with them. Ask them about the recent campaigns, and find out what their definition of a ââ¬Å"successful campaignâ⬠is. Itââ¬â¢s crucial at this point that both your expectations are in line - if you have your heart set on getting on the local news, then your publicist needs to have a well-founded belief that they can pull it off.The more experience a publicist has, the more you can expect to pay. And since most publicists book themselves out well ahead of time, be sure to start your search at least six months before your publishing date.Start thinking strategicallyAfter finding your perfect publicist, you'll need to agree on a strategy. A good book publicist will tailor their strategy to the book as well as to the author. For example, a well-known celebrity debut novel might not get much interest in the review pages - but it might receive a lot of interest from radio and television producers, as well as feature editors.On the other hand, a self-help author would probably have better penetration on lo cal radio. Every approach will yield different results, so it's up to you and your publicist to figure out the strategy that will serve your book best.Whatââ¬â¢s the story?In every situation, it is of utmost importance to determine the unique selling point of the book: the publicity angle. To come up with great publicity angles, you need to think like a journalist and remember the 4 W's (and 1 H):WHAT is particularly newsworthy about the book?WHY is this news important to the target audience?WHERE is the author from?WHEN is the book being published?HOW did this book come about?A professional publicist can help you develop this story. But if you're going solo, make sure you think along these lines. It will not only help you determine the newsworthiness of your book but will likely reveal which channels you should pitch to.Donââ¬â¢t forget the easy winsThe most important thing when considering any publicity is to marry expectations to reality. It's fine to aim for dream exposure like national press coverage, but not at the expense of lower hanging fruit. Make sure your ââ¬Ëhit listââ¬â¢ contains a good balance of achievable goals as well as ââ¬Ëstretchââ¬â¢ goals and youââ¬â¢ll be fine.ââ¬ËPublicity by Resultsââ¬â¢ and other blurred linesJust one more thing...Book publicists traditionally work on a retainer, for a set fee - or, occasionally, on a day rate. But some publicists are now choosing to work on a ââ¬Ëpublicity by resultsââ¬â¢ basis. A model that has long existed in general publicity, this concept has since found its way into the book world. It's pretty straightforward: you only pay for actual publicity your book receives.For example: letââ¬â¢s say an author or publishing house agrees to pay a per-interview fee to secure exposure over twenty radio interviews, but the publicist only books twelve. Well, a refund would be issued for the difference. But if the publicist arranges twenty-five interviews, the client still on ly pays for twenty.Some social media initiatives can also be arranged on a similar basis. For example, many popular Instagram accounts will give your book a "shout outâ⬠for a set fee. Publicity by Results: How authors can pay only for the coverage they get Get a quoteThe art of book publicity revolves around finding out why your book matters - and why readers should all take notice. The real tricky business is getting this information into the right hands. But when it all comes together, book publicity is a powerful force.Learn more about publicity in self-publishing and get a free quote from Tim Moore and other top publicists on the Reedsy Marketplace.Do you have experience working with a publicist on your book? Share your thoughts and questions for Tim in the comments below.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Points to Mind When Working on a Psychology Personal Statement
5 Points to Mind When Working on a Psychology Personal Statement 5 Points to Mind When Working on a Psychology Personal Statement Psychology is the study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting a personââ¬â¢s behavior. It is no surprise that most institutions that offer courses in the study of Psychology are looking in detail at which candidates to accept. Tertiary institutions are looking beyond the marks or grades of each applicant, they are looking for deeper insights as to whether the candidates accepted will excel in the study of psychology and make a material contribution to the profession. In this article, we will take a look at some of the unique aspects of the psychology personal statement. We will share with you some tips on how to structure your personal statement, the things that you should include, and some examples of the types of things that you may want to say in order to stand out from the rest of the candidates competing for the available positions. 1. Describe Why You Wish to Pursue a Career in Psychology It is helpful if you can articulate what draws you to a career in this field. Try and demonstrate an understanding of the profession, demonstrate that you know what is involved in being a psychologist. 2. Describe Why This Specific Course Appeals to You If you are competing against a lot of other candidates for a limited number of spaces, then you need to demonstrate to the assessors that you have researched the courses available, that you have selected their course for a specific reason, that you are confident that this course will give you the training you need to progress your career. 3. Describe Your Previous Academic Performance That Is Relevant to This Course This is an opportunity to not just talk about your grades or the marks that you have achieved in previous studies but also to demonstrate that this is a natural progression for your academic career. 4. Describe the Personal Skills and Experiences That Make You a Suitable Candidate for This Course Try and demonstrate that you have an emotional connection to the career that you are pursuing. You need to have a personal reason to want to study this course. What makes you want to be a psychologist? 5. Seek Feedback on Your Personal Statement Make sure that you get your personal statement professionally proofread, and that you also seem objective feedback regarding the quality of what you have written. Possibly, the most important thing to remember about your psychology personal statement writing is that it should be about you. While it is important to get advice and expertise on how to make your personal statement as compelling as possible, what you must not do is to try and copy a personal statement that someone else has written. Your personal statement has to be authentic, it has to feel like it has been written by a real person, a person who really wants to study psychology and enter the profession. With a bit of thought and efforts, you could soon be starting the psychology course that you aspire to.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Glaceau Smart Water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Glaceau Smart Water - Essay Example However, in 1998 and 2000, the company added Fruit water and Vitamin water, respectively, thereby expanding its distribution operations to the entire country. By the year 2002, Glaceauââ¬â¢s line of water was the best selling enhanced water brand in the US. In 2006, the bottle water division earned the organization revenues of approximately $350 million (Geller 1). The immense success realized in the US pushed the company to establish business globally by launching its products in Australia, Argentina, UK and France. The source of Glaceau Smartwater is an artesian spring found in the Northern region of Connecticut. Since water naturally travels on the surface of the earth or through the ground, it picks up substances that naturally, as well as substances present as a result of human and animal activity. Glaceau Smartwater is, therefore, subjected to intricate distillation processes, which entail water purification (Glaceau 1). After distillation, the water bottling plant introduces, in the water, an approved balance of 10mg per liter of Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium, through the addition of electrolytes. Smartwater is available in 20 oz, 700ml, 1 liter and 1.5 liter bottles. The cost of Smartwater is relatively cheap; a liter of Smartwater costs approximately $1.39, which is relatively cheap compared to a liter of whole fat milk is $2.26 and a liter of gasoline goes for $3.315. Clearly, the cost of Smartwater is hardly comparable to that of other essential products such as milk and gasoline. The primary reason for why I drink Glaceau Smartwater is because the water is loaded with the aforementioned minerals, which are essential to ensuring health and wellbeing. I also drink the water because of its attractive bullet-shaped contained, which is essentially plastic with minimal breakage capacities. The conventional sport cap further
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